2021-11-22 Evacuation signs are one of the important fire fighting facilities to ensure people's safe and quick escape after a fire. In the evacuation aisle and the main evacuation route on the ground or near the ground wall set luminous evacuation signs, can effectively help people in the smoke filled situati
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2021-11-19 Light-storing self-luminous materials are also called light-generating ultra-long afterglow light-storing materials, non-radioactive light-storing materials, and power-free self-luminous materials. The material actively absorbs and stores sunlight, light, ultraviolet light, stray light and other vis
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2021-10-15 Evacuation safety risks in subway interval tunnelsInter-district tunnels are relatively closed spaces, connected to the station at both ends of the tunnel, with a general length of 1200m and various pipelines set up on both sides of the tunnel side walls. Due to the constraints of the tunnel section
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2021-10-12 Evacuation safety risks in subway interval tunnelsInter-district tunnels are relatively closed spaces, connected to the station at both ends of the tunnel, with a general length of 1200m and various pipelines set up on both sides of the tunnel side walls. Due to the constraints of the tunnel section
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